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Seminars & Conferences

Seminar / Conference / Workshop / Refresher / Orientations etc. Organized

Event title Date Organized by
National Conference on Colloids and Emulsions of Natural and Synthetic Systems February 2 – 4, 1996 Department of Chemistry, Tripura University
National Symposium on Recent Challenges in Chemistry 29 -31 March, 2001 Department of Chemistry, Tripura University.
National Seminar on ‘Impacts of Chemistry in life and Society’ October 1-3, 2004  
State level Seminar on ‘Frontier areas of Chemistry’ on the occasion of 150th Birth Anniversary of Acharjya P. C. Ray. September 03, 2010 Department of Chemistry, Tripura University.
State level seminar-cum awareness programme on ‘Global Climate Changes and Clean Development mechanism: Issues and Impact’ under NAPCC, Govt. of India September 06, 2010. Department of Chemistry, TU and Sponsored by Department of Scienece, Technology & Environment, Govt. of Tripura
Fifteenth National Conference on surfactants, Emulsions and Biocolloids -2011 December 27-29, 2011. Department of Chemistry, TU and Indian society for the Surface Science and Technology
International Conference on Emerging Areas of Chemistry Jauaary, 12-14, 2011. Department of Chemistry, TU in association with IACS & IICB