Dr. Debaraj Panigrahi
DEPARTMENT HEADBrief Profile of the Department
The Department of Sanskrit is one of the new departments with which the Centre for Post Graduate Studies in Tripura under the University of Calcutta (C.U.P.G. centre) started functioning in 1977. Cultivation of traditional Sanskrit learning in the princely state of Tripura was in full swing from early times under the royal patronage. With the advent of modern education, Sanskrit has been taught at the undergraduate level in the colleges. The department started teaching Sanskrit in Post Graduate level since 1977 under the guidance of Prof. Biswapati Roy. Gradually Professor Sitanath Dey, then Prof. K. P. Sinha headed the department in able hand. With the establishment of full-fledged Tripura University on 2nd October, 1987, Prof. Jyotish Nath & Prof. Shila Purkayastha and at a subsequent period Dr. Sipra Ray and lastly Dr. Chandan Kr. Chakraborty joined in the department. Many Guest Lecturers also served the department for a long time. The department with an intake of 60 students offers P.G. Course in Sanskrit having the Veda, K?vya and Dar?ana as special papers. Many renowned scholars have visited the department and many of them gave academic lectures. Prof. Ramaranjan Mukherjee, Prof. Dhyanesh Narayan Chakraborty, Prof. Asoke Chatterjee, Prof. Karunasindhu Das, Prof. Nabanarayan Bandyopadhyay, Prof. G.S. Tripathi, Prof. Dipti S. Tripathi are few of them.
Research Facilities
Research facilities after M.A. with scholarship for full time scholars are available in the department.
Examinations Conducted
M.A. (2 year Programme in 4 Semesters) Research eligibility Test for Ph.D. Programme Ph.D. Course Work (1 Semester Programme)
S.C./S.T. students can avail free special coaching classes for improvement organized by NET Coaching Centre of Tripura University. Each year a good number of S.C/S.T. and Minority students opt for Sanskrit in the P.G. studies.
Year of Establishment
Head of the Department
Dr. Debaraj Panigrahi